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Safety is the top priority on all club rides. Below you’ll find six guidelines that we hope will help you stay safe.

However, guidelines cannot cover every possible situation you will encounter on the road. Rather, safe cycling depends mostly on your own good judgment, where your best course of action will be determined by traffic, road conditions, the condition of your bike, weather and other factors that can change - sometimes quickly with little warning. In addition, be aware that what feels safe to one rider may feel unsafe to another. Riders are encouraged to communicate with each other if they are feeling unsafe during a ride.

While ride leaders are not expected to enforce these guidelines, ride leaders are encouraged to remind cyclists of these guidelines at ride start.

Ride safe!

1: Maximize your visibility

Even after you think you have established eye contact, do not assume drivers see you. Maximize your visibility by:

  • Wearing brightly colored clothing
  • Using lights and reflectors at night
  • Using a central lane position to see and be seen at driveways and intersections, especially if the view of intersecting vehicles is obstructed

2: Observe group etiquette

When riding with others:

  • Use voice and hand signals to point out hazards and indicate your intention
  • Be predictable
  • Allow sufficient spacing
  • Be aware that flashing lights may be a distraction for some cyclists
  • Make room to allow drivers to pass when safe

3: Pass carefully

When passing other riders and pedestrians:

  • First check for other riders or vehicles behind you
  • Call out “On your left”
  • Pass on the left

4: Claim the lane when needed

You may claim the lane when you are:

  • Riding the same speed or faster than traffic
  • Passing a slow or stopped vehicle
  • Preparing to turn left
  • Riding in a lane that is too narrow to share
  • Encountering unsafe conditions on the edge
  • Approaching a driveway or an intersection

5: Avoid impeding traffic unnecessarily

In general, ride single file whenever you may be impeding traffic. In certain situations, such as when claiming the lane, some riders may prefer to ride two abreast to increase their visibility.

6: Foster good relations with drivers

Foster good relations between cyclists and drivers by:

  • Taking your turn at stop signs
  • Letting vehicles pass when it is safe
  • Not antagonizing aggressive drivers

Also, please see general Rider Guidelines that detail expectations for rider conduct on GPC rides.

Additional cycling safety resources:

This policy was adopted at the August 14, 2024 club meeting.

GPC Members shared many comments during the development of these guidelines, which you can find here (login required).