Current Ride Schedule
Leader: Mark Nienberg (510) 812-9312 text
Meet at 9:30 am
GPC Route: Heather Farm, Morgan Territory, Diablo Junction
Start Location: Walnut Creek - Heather Farm
NWS forecast has gotten worse, and light rain is likely with windy conditions. Sorry to have to cancel this ride.
There is a small chance of showers so check back here for possible cancellation if the forecast changes!
Meet in the penultimate northern parking lot of Heather Farm in Walnut Creek (by the baseball fields) for this ride to Clayton, Morgan Territory, and Diablo Junction. Lunch will be at Draeger's Market in Blackhawk Plaza.
Note that Heather Farm is about a mile from Pleasant Hill BART, which is probably the preferred way to get there. If you want to make the ride easier you can skip the Diablo climb after lunch and work your way back on the Iron Horse Trail or using this nicer route. Navigation for those options is up to you.
There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. We'll start when everyone who arrives by the meeting time is ready. If you arrive after the meeting time you may have to chase. You can probably catch us at the park in Clayton, where we will have a brief stop.
Leader: Joel Ager (510) 418-6462
Leader: Mark Bauer (510) 508-3546
Leader: Abigail Cotton (949) 929-3714 text
Leader: Anne Schonfield (510) 851-4749 text
Meet at 5:20 pm for a 5:30 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:
Leader: Rick Patterson (510) 978-1786 text
Leader: Mary Ann Jawili (661) 343-5737 text
Leader: Richard Zapien (415) 260-2334 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.
The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.
We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!
*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.
Leader: Mike Wood (708) 539-9663 text
Leader: Drew U (510) 290-0615 text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
GPC Route: CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location: Canyon Club Brewery
Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.
Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails
CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB
Leader: Siu Mak (510) 229-0090 text
Meet at 8:30 am for a 8:40 am start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
We will ride from North Berkeley to Nicasio in the clockwise direction (White's Hill Westbound, Lucas Valley Road Eastbound). I will keep an touring, endurance pace. Stops will be at 22 miles at Fairfax (10:30am), 32 miles at Nicasio (11:45am), 48 miles taco lunch stop at Los Palillos in San Rafael (1:30pm), then back to the East Bay.
Leader: Mark Nienberg (510) 812-9312 text
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:15 am start
GPC Route: Solvang Five Canyons
Start Location: Solvang - Royal Copenhagen Inn
See nearly all that Solvang has to offer in one big loop. See Longhorns, Llamas, Buffalo and Magpies! This route has lots of slightly downhill stretches, but the uphills are not slight! Cat Canyon Road is incredibly rough! We will have lunch in Los Alamos, before tackling the horribly rough Drum Canyon Road, then taking relatively smooth roads back to the start.
Current membership in GPC is expected. A cheerful adventurous attitude is encouraged. The route is listed above. Load it to your navigation device or print your own cue sheet. There will not be a paper handout. Please pre-register if you would like the leader to keep some track of you; there will not be a paper sign in sheet at the ride start. Two full water bottles and some nutrition make good sense. The first 40 miles does not have easy to get water. The standards listed in the Rider Guidelines on our website always apply.
Leader: Brian Aldrich (510) 693-0603 text
Leader: Janet Noble (510) 205-9004 text
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:15 am start
GPC Route: Solvang Four Canyons CW with Alamo Pintado return
Start Location: Solvang - Royal Copenhagen Inn
This ride offers up the more dreary terrain first, then the quite noticeable Drum Canyon from the slightly steeper side, then a little taste of Hwy 101, or the absolutely roughest "unmaintained road I have ever ridden, Then things become and stay bucolic. We will have lunch at Panino, Los Olivos before coasting home to the Royal Copenhagen.
A cheerful adventurous attitude is encouraged. Strong navigation skills or riding with a buddy who knows the route can be very helpful. Print your own cue sheet if needed. Please sign in online if you would like the leader to keep some track of you; there may not be a paper sign in sheet at the ride start. Two full water bottles and some nutrition make good sense. The standards listed in the Rider Guidelines on our website always apply.
Leader: Rick Patterson (510) 978-1786 text
Leader: Valjean Clark (775) 237-2020 text
Meet at 9:45 am for a 10:00 am start
GPC Route: East Bay Hills
Start Location: Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
From Orinda BART ride north on Camino Pablo, climb Wildcat Canyon, Grizzly Peak Blvd, Skyline Blvd, descend Redwood Road, then return via Pinehurst, Canyon, Moraga Way. Members and nonmembers can all pre-register using the link above to save us time at the start. For more details see our Century Prep Series webpage.
Leader: Eisso Mansvelt Beck (510) 847-9944 text
Meet at 10:00 am for a 10:15 am start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
The second installment of the GPC century gravel training ride is a no drop ride covering some of the top part of this year’s 100k ride. Starting from North Berkeley Bart we’ll head up Spruce and ride a loopy figure eight through Wildcat and Tilden Park. Featuring a hitlist of East Bay mixed riding: Wildcat Creek, Nimitz Way, Conlon Trail, Upper Lower Big Springs trail and the mighty Sea View. Known or unknown, it’s going to be a good one! Bring water and snacks!
Leader: Jaz Zaitlin (510) 393-6602 text
Meet at 9:30 am for a 9:45 am start
GPC Route: Just Jalama Beach
Start Location: Jalama Road pullout
A remote road to the Coast. By remote I mean a full sized mountain lion slowly crossed the road right in front of Brian on a recent trip.
This is a beautiful route with just one hill, each way. Lunch is at Jalama Beach where you can get a famous Jalama Beach Burger. Or you can get something healthier and make it back. The crux of this route is learning to say Halama, not Jalama.
Current membership in GPC is expected. A cheerful adventurous attitude is encouraged. The route is listed above. Load it to your navigation device or print your own cue sheet. There will not be a paper handout. Please pre-register if you would like the leader to keep some track of you; there will not be a paper sign in sheet at the ride start. Two full water bottles and some nutrition make good sense. The standards listed in the Rider Guidelines on our website always apply.
Water is available at the campgrounds at Jalama Beach.
Leader: Mark Nienberg (510) 812-9312 text
Meet at 9:30 am for a 9:45 am start
GPC Route: 3/4 Jalama
Start Location: Jalama Road pullout
Join us for this classic route to Jalama Beach. This 53 mile version requires a car shuttle, which we arrange at Happy Hour the night before. We drive out to the start on Jalama Road, then ride to the beach. After lunch we ride all the way back to Solvang. There are several other options which can be discussed at Happy Hour. A full out-and-back from Solvang would be about 77 miles. The shortest version (see listing for Just Jalama) is an out and back to Jalama Beach from Highway 1, and it still has plenty of climbing.
Current membership in GPC is expected. A cheerful adventurous attitude is encouraged. The route is listed above. Load it to your navigation device or print your own cue sheet. There will not be a paper handout. Please pre-register if you would like the leader to keep some track of you; there will not be a paper sign in sheet at the ride start. Two full water bottles and some nutrition make good sense. There will not be the extra water stop this year. The standards listed in the Rider Guidelines on our website always apply.
Leader: July Tenenbaum (818) 421-5585
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith (415) 212-8451 text
Leader: Xiao Hui Tai (412) 557-2835
Meet at 5:30 pm
Start Location: Emeryville - Opposite IKEA
Join us for the winter edition of Treasure Island lap, starting at the Bay Bridge base of the Alex Zuckermann bike path. This ride features shorter regroups, a faster T-pace, and sparkling city skylines. Expect one short, steep descent and a challenging half-mile climb off the island (7-10% grade). Ride ends with optional food and drinks at Bay Street or Wondrous Brewing Company. Bring lights and warm layers.
Leader: Brian Aldrich (510) 693-0603 text
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:15 am start
GPC Route: Drum Canyon, Harris Grade from Los Alamos
Start Location: Los Alamos Flagpole
If you can't quite get excited about Mt Figueroa, I have a more pleasant route to offer. This route starts in Los Alamos, right near Plenty on Bell where we will have lunch after the ride. We will climb Drum Canyon first. Drum Canyon is one of the roughest roads that I know of, so enjoy it, particularly the downhill. If anything is loose on your bike, you will find out! After beautiful Drum Canyon (the last 5 miles are beautiful), you take a right on Purisima Road (also known as Highway 246), for 10 miles (traffic, good scenery, but good shoulder), then Harris Grade (easier and smoother than Drum). Next, we take a right on Highway 135 to finish 9 miles later in Los Alamos to have a very nice lunch at Plenty on Bell. I know that this route is half highways, but they are secondary roads with good bike lanes and good scenery. Cheerful attitudes, good navigation skills, and helmets are all required.
Leader: Terri Bimes (510) 697-1400
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:15 am start
GPC Route: Mt. Figueroa Adventure Loop
Start Location: Solvang - Royal Copenhagen Inn
This is the big one, Mt Diablo on steroids, maybe similar to Mt Ventoux, except with much steeper pitches! But this is your lucky day, it's not so steep from the East Side, just far more rustic. Be ready for a mile of dirt, some slippery stream crossings, lots of broken rock on the road, and continuous steep grades. Once you reach the summit, you then descend down the Westside, pass the Neverland Ranch, and have lunch at Panino in Los Olivos. Then you can take Ballard Canyon or flatter roads back to Solvang.
A cheerful adventurous attitude is encouraged. Strong navigation skills or riding with a buddy who knows the route can be very helpful. Print your own cue sheet if needed. Please sign in online if you would like the leader to keep some track of you; there may not be a paper sign in sheet at the ride start. Two full water bottles and some nutrition makes good sense. The standards listed in the Rider Guidelines on our website always apply.
Bring extra water and food on this ride!
Leader: Pat Greene (415) 481-5469 text
Leader: Chris Witt
Meet at 9:45 am for a 10:00 am start
Meet at Santa Ynez Park. Parking is at the end of Numancia Street in the town of Santa Ynez.
This is the RideWithGPS route:
The route is an out and back, so you can make it as hard or easy as you want. The first 12 miles of the route is gently rolling with gradual climbing through Happy Canyon, passing through beautiful vineyards and pastures with Valley Oaks. We turn onto Figueroa Mountain Road at mile ~12 and start more serious climbing with interesting changes in the terrain and plant communities (you can imagine what the Figueroa Mountain adventurers are experiencing).
Santa Ynez Park is about 4 miles from the Royal Copenhagen. You can ride to the ride start if you want to add miles at the beginning.
Leader: Christopher Lee (510) 773-0551
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner (510) 593-9843 text
Leader: Max Walker (925) 324-2256 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
GPC Tuesday is a Brisk paced loop through the Berkeley / Oakland Hills starting at the Reservoir @ Spruce / Grizzly Blvd. Ride is characterized as fast pace lines with close quarters pack riding skills required. The ride has approximately 6 re-groups along the route. (Slower riders do have limited time to arrive at re-group points, however, as wait times are limited to 4-5 minutes.) Route as follows: Grizzly Peak to Skyline pausing at Sibley (riders can join at approximately 6:05 here at top of Tunnel Rd), Skyline to Redwood Rd, turning left on Pinehurst Rd back to Skyline, returning to ride start or peeling off to return home individually. No E-Bikes.
Leader: Mark Abrahams (510) 524-1294
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.
Leader: Nick Umemoto
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
Join us for a friendly TM paced paved ride. This is an out and back to Chabot Space and Science Center. We'll head out along Grizzly Peak Blvd or Wildcat and up South Park. Then, take Skyline to the Science Center driveway. Brief regroups are tentatively at the top of South Park, Sibley Staging area and Chabot Science Center (same regroups on the way back). Please carry enough food and water for the entire ride. Preregistration is encouraged. No flashing lights please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-bikes are welcome on this ride.
The pace is TM (16mph solo effort on flats, up to 3w/kg climbing)
Leader: S C
Meet at 10:00 am for a 10:15 am start
GPC Route: Pozo Loop
Start Location: Santa Margarita Community Park
Note the later start time since we will be driving to get to the start. Accessed on our travel day between Solvang and Paso Robles, Pozo Loop offers up stunning scenery! There is good parking at the Community Park. Bring two full water bottles, as the water at the Ranger Station still says non potable. We will watch the temperatures. We generally eat at "The Porch" restaurant in town after the ride.
A cheerful adventurous attitude is encouraged. Strong navigation skills or riding with a buddy who knows the route can be very helpful. Please sign in online if you would like the leader to keep some track of you; there will not be a paper sign in sheet at the ride start. Two full water bottles and some nutrition makes good sense.
Meet at 10:00 am for a 10:15 am start
Miles and smiles, hills and thrills, lunches and lattes. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Meet at 10:00 am (usually) for this ride. Rain cancels. You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information.
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith (415) 212-8451 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: El Cerrito Plaza BART
The classic route RWGPS, but with the start moved to El Cerrito Plaza. Bring warm layers and bright lights to see by. The majority of the dirt sections are up hill or flat, but expect some short bumpy descents in the dark. I'm hoping mud shouldn't be too bad with over a week to dry out, but I will make changes in case of rain. 35mm+ tires recommended.
Leader: Terri Bimes (510) 697-1400
Leader: S C
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:15 am start
GPC Route: Parkfield Earthquake Ride
Start Location: Mission San Miguel Arcángel
This ride starts in San Miguel. Please park across the street from the Mission. This is an out and back to the North American Plate. Just across the fault is the rustic town of Parkfield that serves up a great lunch. There is only one hill on this ride and you hit it both ways. Rain may cancel.
Leader: Mark Nienberg (510) 812-9312 text
Meet at 9:30 am
This weekly ride often tours through West Marin, but sometimes travels to Napa, Sonoma, or Livermore, depending on the season. We have frequent regroups and usually stop for a real lunch, if it is available on the route. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Status updates for weather cancellations will also be posted on the schedule.
There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Faster riders should feel free to push on after lunch. Just tell the leader first.
Leader: Joel Ager (510) 418-6462
Leader: Mark Bauer (510) 508-3546
Leader: Abigail Cotton (949) 929-3714 text
Leader: Anne Schonfield (510) 851-4749 text
Meet at 5:20 pm for a 5:30 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:
Leader: Rick Patterson (510) 978-1786 text
Leader: Mary Ann Jawili (661) 343-5737 text
Leader: Richard Zapien (415) 260-2334 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.
The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.
We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!
*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.
Leader: Mike Wood (708) 539-9663 text
Leader: Drew U (510) 290-0615 text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
GPC Route: CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location: Canyon Club Brewery
Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.
Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails
CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB
Leader: Brian Aldrich (510) 693-0603 text
Leader: Janet Noble (510) 205-9004 text
Meet at 8:00 am for a 8:00 am start
GPC Route: Peachy Canyon Loop
Start Location: Adelaide Inn, Paso Robles
Meet for an early start with a prompt departure so that if you hurry, you could check out by 11 AM. People really will leave at 8 AM, and it will be cold! We will ride a beautiful loop around the wine country of Paso Robles. I am leading the shorter version, but if you have time, you can extend the standard loop with an additional loop out to Cypress Mountain for a 40 mile ride. Peachy Canyon has one of the nicest, curviest downhills anywhere, and it seems like it never stops, until it makes you climb again and then have even more fun! If you plan on joining us, please let us know in advance, you should attend the happy hour / route planning meeting the night before, or check in with us, so that you are aware of any changes to the route, start time or start location. This is the day that many people will return home, so there often are changes. Bomb cyclones or atmospheric rivers may cancel. Helmets, cheerful attitude, etc.
Meet at 8:45 am for a 9:00 am start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Join our cafe ride over the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge for croissant and hot cocoa at Marin Country Mart. New riders and beginners are welcome! This is a NO-DROP ride with plenty of stops.
Most of the route is on dedicated bike path. Watch out for train tracks in Richmond. We are also riding over the new Gilman bike and pedestrian bridge.
Updated route:
Leader: Jessica Jensen (510) 508-6389 text
Leader: James Scott (510) 847-3948 text
Meet at 10:00 am for a 10:15 am start
Start Location: Walnut Creek BART
Come join us to celebrate Jim's milestone 80th birthday - we'll do a moderate loop starting at Walnut Creek BART, and end with a pizza party at Slice House in Walnut Creek (1.5 miles from the finish back to Walnut Creek BART).
Slice House has a large, covered outdoor patio with plenty of space for lots of revelers and their bikes!
All are welcome, and we can't wait to see you there!
Leader: John Alexander (510) 965-8381 text
Leader: Corwin Zechar (510) 816-2352 text
Meet at 9:30 am for a 9:45 am start
GPC Route: Three Small Walls
Start Location: El Cerrito Del Norte BART
From El Cerrito Del Norte BART ride to Pinole, Crockett, then the "walls" McEwen, Pig Farm, and Hillcrest. Members and nonmembers can all pre-register using the link above to save us time at the start. For more details see our Century Prep Series webpage.
Leader: July Tenenbaum (818) 421-5585
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith (415) 212-8451 text
Leader: Xiao Hui Tai (412) 557-2835
Meet at 5:30 pm
Start Location: Emeryville - Opposite IKEA
Join us for the winter edition of Treasure Island lap, starting at the Bay Bridge base of the Alex Zuckermann bike path. This ride features shorter regroups, a faster T-pace, and sparkling city skylines. Expect one short, steep descent and a challenging half-mile climb off the island (7-10% grade). Ride ends with optional food and drinks at Bay Street or Wondrous Brewing Company. Bring lights and warm layers.
Leader: Christopher Lee (510) 773-0551
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner (510) 593-9843 text
Leader: Max Walker (925) 324-2256 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
GPC Tuesday is a Brisk paced loop through the Berkeley / Oakland Hills starting at the Reservoir @ Spruce / Grizzly Blvd. Ride is characterized as fast pace lines with close quarters pack riding skills required. The ride has approximately 6 re-groups along the route. (Slower riders do have limited time to arrive at re-group points, however, as wait times are limited to 4-5 minutes.) Route as follows: Grizzly Peak to Skyline pausing at Sibley (riders can join at approximately 6:05 here at top of Tunnel Rd), Skyline to Redwood Rd, turning left on Pinehurst Rd back to Skyline, returning to ride start or peeling off to return home individually. No E-Bikes.
Leader: Mark Abrahams (510) 524-1294
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.
Leader: Nick Umemoto
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
Join us for a friendly TM paced paved ride. This is an out and back to Chabot Space and Science Center. We'll head out along Grizzly Peak Blvd or Wildcat and up South Park. Then, take Skyline to the Science Center driveway. Brief regroups are tentatively at the top of South Park, Sibley Staging area and Chabot Science Center (same regroups on the way back). Please carry enough food and water for the entire ride. Preregistration is encouraged. No flashing lights please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-bikes are welcome on this ride.
The pace is TM (16mph solo effort on flats, up to 3w/kg climbing)
Meet at 10:00 am for a 10:15 am start
Miles and smiles, hills and thrills, lunches and lattes. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Meet at 10:00 am (usually) for this ride. Rain cancels. You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information.
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith (415) 212-8451 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: El Cerrito Plaza BART
The classic route RWGPS, but with the start moved to El Cerrito Plaza. Bring warm layers and bright lights to see by. The majority of the dirt sections are up hill or flat, but expect some short bumpy descents in the dark. I'm hoping mud shouldn't be too bad with over a week to dry out, but I will make changes in case of rain. 35mm+ tires recommended.
Meet at 6:45 pm for a 7:00 pm start
Join the club's virtual monthly business meeting at 7:00 pm. Optional social time from 6:45 pm to 7:00 pm. Check your email for an announcement with the agenda and details of how to join the meeting.
Leader: Mark Nienberg (510) 812-9312 text
Meet at 9:30 am
This weekly ride often tours through West Marin, but sometimes travels to Napa, Sonoma, or Livermore, depending on the season. We have frequent regroups and usually stop for a real lunch, if it is available on the route. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Status updates for weather cancellations will also be posted on the schedule.
There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Faster riders should feel free to push on after lunch. Just tell the leader first.
Leader: Joel Ager (510) 418-6462
Leader: Mark Bauer (510) 508-3546
Leader: Abigail Cotton (949) 929-3714 text
Leader: Anne Schonfield (510) 851-4749 text
Meet at 5:20 pm for a 5:30 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:
Leader: Rick Patterson (510) 978-1786 text
Leader: Mary Ann Jawili (661) 343-5737 text
Leader: Richard Zapien (415) 260-2334 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.
The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.
We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!
*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.
Leader: Mike Wood (708) 539-9663 text
Leader: Drew U (510) 290-0615 text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
GPC Route: CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location: Canyon Club Brewery
Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.
Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails
CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB
Leader: Arleen Sakamoto (415) 279-6248
Leader: Ken Karda (510) 530-8389
Meet at 9:45 am for a 10:00 am start
Start Location: Brickyard Cove, Berkeley
We will ride to the Emeryville marina, then North on the Bay Trail for a clockwise loop to the Red Oak Victory Ship, Miller-Knox Park, bypass the Ferry Point Tunnel, & lunch @ Little Louie's. There will be an option to ride thru the tunnel.
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:20 am start
GPC Route: ASSR - LT - Classic Larghetto
Start Location: Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for an LT-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website. This is a NO DROP ride through the famous Three Bears.
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:20 am start
GPC Route: ASSR - T - Dublin / Redwood Rd
Start Location: Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for a T-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.
Now that Redwood Road is open, let's do this route through Dublin and Redwood Road. This is a NO DROP ride. Although we plan a lunch stop at Golf Course, the wait for the food from that restaurant could take too long. It is advised to grab a sandwich or bagel from the San Ramon stop and carry it with you to Golf Course.
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:20 am start
GPC Route: ASSR - TM (short) - Golf Course
Start Location: Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for a TM-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:20 am start
GPC Route: ASSR - TM (long) - Classic Allegretto through Dublin
Start Location: Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for a TM-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.
Now that Redwood Road is open, let's ride the Classic Allegretto route, now routing through Dublin. Lunch stop will be at San Ramon.
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:20 am start
GPC Route: ASSR - M - Morgan Territory (finish via Miner Rd)
Start Location: Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for an M-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.
Leader: Anne Schonfield (510) 851-4749 text
Leader: Andrew Glickman (510) 928-0792 text
Leader: July Tenenbaum (818) 421-5585
Meet at 9:30 am for a 9:45 am start
GPC Route: Morgan Territory from Pleasant Hill BART w/ Round Hill return
Start Location: Pleasant Hill BART
Canal Trail, Turtle Creek Park to Clayton. Morgan Territory, Return via Blackhawk and Round Hill. This route isn't part of the century, but Morgan Territory is an excellent training climb. Members and nonmembers can all pre-register using the link above to save us time at the start. For more details see our Century Prep Series webpage.
Leader: July Tenenbaum (818) 421-5585
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith (415) 212-8451 text
Leader: Xiao Hui Tai (412) 557-2835
Meet at 5:30 pm
Start Location: Emeryville - Opposite IKEA
Join us for the winter edition of Treasure Island lap, starting at the Bay Bridge base of the Alex Zuckermann bike path. This ride features shorter regroups, a faster T-pace, and sparkling city skylines. Expect one short, steep descent and a challenging half-mile climb off the island (7-10% grade). Ride ends with optional food and drinks at Bay Street or Wondrous Brewing Company. Bring lights and warm layers.
Leader: Christopher Lee (510) 773-0551
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner (510) 593-9843 text
Leader: Max Walker (925) 324-2256 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
GPC Tuesday is a Brisk paced loop through the Berkeley / Oakland Hills starting at the Reservoir @ Spruce / Grizzly Blvd. Ride is characterized as fast pace lines with close quarters pack riding skills required. The ride has approximately 6 re-groups along the route. (Slower riders do have limited time to arrive at re-group points, however, as wait times are limited to 4-5 minutes.) Route as follows: Grizzly Peak to Skyline pausing at Sibley (riders can join at approximately 6:05 here at top of Tunnel Rd), Skyline to Redwood Rd, turning left on Pinehurst Rd back to Skyline, returning to ride start or peeling off to return home individually. No E-Bikes.
Leader: Mark Abrahams (510) 524-1294
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.
Meet at 10:00 am for a 10:15 am start
Miles and smiles, hills and thrills, lunches and lattes. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Meet at 10:00 am (usually) for this ride. Rain cancels. You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information.
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith (415) 212-8451 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: El Cerrito Plaza BART
The classic route RWGPS, but with the start moved to El Cerrito Plaza. Bring warm layers and bright lights to see by. The majority of the dirt sections are up hill or flat, but expect some short bumpy descents in the dark. I'm hoping mud shouldn't be too bad with over a week to dry out, but I will make changes in case of rain. 35mm+ tires recommended.
Leader: Mark Nienberg (510) 812-9312 text
Meet at 9:30 am
This weekly ride often tours through West Marin, but sometimes travels to Napa, Sonoma, or Livermore, depending on the season. We have frequent regroups and usually stop for a real lunch, if it is available on the route. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Status updates for weather cancellations will also be posted on the schedule.
There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Faster riders should feel free to push on after lunch. Just tell the leader first.
Leader: Joel Ager (510) 418-6462
Leader: Mark Bauer (510) 508-3546
Leader: Abigail Cotton (949) 929-3714 text
Leader: Anne Schonfield (510) 851-4749 text
Meet at 5:20 pm for a 5:30 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:
Leader: Rick Patterson (510) 978-1786 text
Leader: Mary Ann Jawili (661) 343-5737 text
Leader: Richard Zapien (415) 260-2334 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.
The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.
We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!
*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.
Leader: Mike Wood (708) 539-9663 text
Leader: Drew U (510) 290-0615 text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
GPC Route: CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location: Canyon Club Brewery
Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.
Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails
CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB
Leader: Marie Noel Appel (415) 254-4469
Meet at 9:40 am for a 10:00 am start
GPC Route: Bears Loop
Start Location: Orinda - San Pablo Dam Rd and Bear Creek Rd
Individual Time Trial
Come test your fitness level and get in a great workout by riding the Bears Loop as a time trial. In the ITT, each person rides at his/her own pace (no drafting) to see how fast the Bears Loop can be completed. It’s a great format for pushing yourself to see how fast you can ride the loop.
Pace Group Ride
Ride the Bears Loop at your normal pace to use it to determine your GPC pace ( Or use this ride to practice your pace for an upcoming event.
The first rider is off at 10:01 and a rider a minute after that. For the GPC Pace ride, a pace group can start together, or each rider can rider on their own as the ITT riders do. (Regardless of the format, each rider is timed individually.)
Rider finishing times are usually shared in the ride report email to the club. While it is nice to see what times folks ride, reporting of rider times is optional. Also, the ITT is open to both members and non-members; no need to join as in the past.
Leader: John Alexander (510) 965-8381 text
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:15 am start
GPC Route: New Century South Loop
Start Location: Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
The ride will cover the new (since 2023) century South loop - new because Redwood Road is not open. Route goes from Orinda to South Pinehurst, up to Skyline and South to Grass Valley. After the Grass Valley descent, we ride north parallel to 580, eventually getting to the foot of Joaquin Miller. From there the familiar BBR route will take us up back to Redwood Road and back over South Pinehurst and then back to Orinda. Members and nonmembers can all pre-register using the link above to save us time at the start. For more details see our Century Prep Series webpage.
Leader: July Tenenbaum (818) 421-5585
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith (415) 212-8451 text
Leader: Xiao Hui Tai (412) 557-2835
Meet at 5:30 pm
Start Location: Emeryville - Opposite IKEA
Join us for the winter edition of Treasure Island lap, starting at the Bay Bridge base of the Alex Zuckermann bike path. This ride features shorter regroups, a faster T-pace, and sparkling city skylines. Expect one short, steep descent and a challenging half-mile climb off the island (7-10% grade). Ride ends with optional food and drinks at Bay Street or Wondrous Brewing Company. Bring lights and warm layers.
Leader: Christopher Lee (510) 773-0551
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner (510) 593-9843 text
Leader: Max Walker (925) 324-2256 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
GPC Tuesday is a Brisk paced loop through the Berkeley / Oakland Hills starting at the Reservoir @ Spruce / Grizzly Blvd. Ride is characterized as fast pace lines with close quarters pack riding skills required. The ride has approximately 6 re-groups along the route. (Slower riders do have limited time to arrive at re-group points, however, as wait times are limited to 4-5 minutes.) Route as follows: Grizzly Peak to Skyline pausing at Sibley (riders can join at approximately 6:05 here at top of Tunnel Rd), Skyline to Redwood Rd, turning left on Pinehurst Rd back to Skyline, returning to ride start or peeling off to return home individually. No E-Bikes.
Leader: Mark Abrahams (510) 524-1294
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.
Meet at 10:00 am for a 10:15 am start
Miles and smiles, hills and thrills, lunches and lattes. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Meet at 10:00 am (usually) for this ride. Rain cancels. You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information.
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith (415) 212-8451 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: El Cerrito Plaza BART
The classic route RWGPS, but with the start moved to El Cerrito Plaza. Bring warm layers and bright lights to see by. The majority of the dirt sections are up hill or flat, but expect some short bumpy descents in the dark. I'm hoping mud shouldn't be too bad with over a week to dry out, but I will make changes in case of rain. 35mm+ tires recommended.
Leader: Mark Nienberg (510) 812-9312 text
Meet at 9:30 am
This weekly ride often tours through West Marin, but sometimes travels to Napa, Sonoma, or Livermore, depending on the season. We have frequent regroups and usually stop for a real lunch, if it is available on the route. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Status updates for weather cancellations will also be posted on the schedule.
There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Faster riders should feel free to push on after lunch. Just tell the leader first.
Leader: Joel Ager (510) 418-6462
Leader: Mark Bauer (510) 508-3546
Leader: Abigail Cotton (949) 929-3714 text
Leader: Anne Schonfield (510) 851-4749 text
Meet at 5:20 pm for a 5:30 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:
Leader: Rick Patterson (510) 978-1786 text
Leader: Mary Ann Jawili (661) 343-5737 text
Leader: Richard Zapien (415) 260-2334 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.
The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.
We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!
*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.
Leader: Mike Wood (708) 539-9663 text
Leader: Drew U (510) 290-0615 text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
GPC Route: CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location: Canyon Club Brewery
Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.
Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails
CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB
Leader: John Alexander (510) 965-8381 text
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:15 am start
GPC Route: Century North Loop
Start Location: Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
The north loop of the century, from Orinda BART and using the Bay Trail through Pinole and Rodeo. Members and nonmembers can all pre-register using the link above to save us time at the start. For more details see our Century Prep Series webpage.
Feel free to bring a sandwich or light lunch to enjoy along the way, and to provide energy for climbing!
Leader: July Tenenbaum (818) 421-5585
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith (415) 212-8451 text
Leader: Xiao Hui Tai (412) 557-2835
Meet at 5:30 pm
Start Location: Emeryville - Opposite IKEA
Join us for the winter edition of Treasure Island lap, starting at the Bay Bridge base of the Alex Zuckermann bike path. This ride features shorter regroups, a faster T-pace, and sparkling city skylines. Expect one short, steep descent and a challenging half-mile climb off the island (7-10% grade). Ride ends with optional food and drinks at Bay Street or Wondrous Brewing Company. Bring lights and warm layers.
Leader: Christopher Lee (510) 773-0551
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner (510) 593-9843 text
Leader: Max Walker (925) 324-2256 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
GPC Tuesday is a Brisk paced loop through the Berkeley / Oakland Hills starting at the Reservoir @ Spruce / Grizzly Blvd. Ride is characterized as fast pace lines with close quarters pack riding skills required. The ride has approximately 6 re-groups along the route. (Slower riders do have limited time to arrive at re-group points, however, as wait times are limited to 4-5 minutes.) Route as follows: Grizzly Peak to Skyline pausing at Sibley (riders can join at approximately 6:05 here at top of Tunnel Rd), Skyline to Redwood Rd, turning left on Pinehurst Rd back to Skyline, returning to ride start or peeling off to return home individually. No E-Bikes.
Leader: Mark Abrahams (510) 524-1294
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.
Meet at 10:00 am for a 10:15 am start
Miles and smiles, hills and thrills, lunches and lattes. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Meet at 10:00 am (usually) for this ride. Rain cancels. You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information.
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith (415) 212-8451 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: El Cerrito Plaza BART
The classic route RWGPS, but with the start moved to El Cerrito Plaza. Bring warm layers and bright lights to see by. The majority of the dirt sections are up hill or flat, but expect some short bumpy descents in the dark. I'm hoping mud shouldn't be too bad with over a week to dry out, but I will make changes in case of rain. 35mm+ tires recommended.
Leader: Mark Nienberg (510) 812-9312 text
Meet at 9:30 am
This weekly ride often tours through West Marin, but sometimes travels to Napa, Sonoma, or Livermore, depending on the season. We have frequent regroups and usually stop for a real lunch, if it is available on the route. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Status updates for weather cancellations will also be posted on the schedule.
There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Faster riders should feel free to push on after lunch. Just tell the leader first.
Leader: Joel Ager (510) 418-6462
Leader: Mark Bauer (510) 508-3546
Leader: Abigail Cotton (949) 929-3714 text
Leader: Anne Schonfield (510) 851-4749 text
Meet at 5:20 pm for a 5:30 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:
Leader: Rick Patterson (510) 978-1786 text
Leader: Mary Ann Jawili (661) 343-5737 text
Leader: Richard Zapien (415) 260-2334 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.
The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.
We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!
*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.
Leader: Mike Wood (708) 539-9663 text
Leader: Drew U (510) 290-0615 text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
GPC Route: CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location: Canyon Club Brewery
Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.
Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails
CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB
Leader: July Tenenbaum (818) 421-5585
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith (415) 212-8451 text
Leader: Xiao Hui Tai (412) 557-2835
Meet at 5:30 pm
Start Location: Emeryville - Opposite IKEA
Join us for the winter edition of Treasure Island lap, starting at the Bay Bridge base of the Alex Zuckermann bike path. This ride features shorter regroups, a faster T-pace, and sparkling city skylines. Expect one short, steep descent and a challenging half-mile climb off the island (7-10% grade). Ride ends with optional food and drinks at Bay Street or Wondrous Brewing Company. Bring lights and warm layers.
Leader: Christopher Lee (510) 773-0551
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner (510) 593-9843 text
Leader: Max Walker (925) 324-2256 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
GPC Tuesday is a Brisk paced loop through the Berkeley / Oakland Hills starting at the Reservoir @ Spruce / Grizzly Blvd. Ride is characterized as fast pace lines with close quarters pack riding skills required. The ride has approximately 6 re-groups along the route. (Slower riders do have limited time to arrive at re-group points, however, as wait times are limited to 4-5 minutes.) Route as follows: Grizzly Peak to Skyline pausing at Sibley (riders can join at approximately 6:05 here at top of Tunnel Rd), Skyline to Redwood Rd, turning left on Pinehurst Rd back to Skyline, returning to ride start or peeling off to return home individually. No E-Bikes.
Leader: Mark Abrahams (510) 524-1294
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.
Meet at 10:00 am for a 10:15 am start
Miles and smiles, hills and thrills, lunches and lattes. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Meet at 10:00 am (usually) for this ride. Rain cancels. You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information.
Leader: Mark Nienberg (510) 812-9312 text
Meet at 9:30 am
This weekly ride often tours through West Marin, but sometimes travels to Napa, Sonoma, or Livermore, depending on the season. We have frequent regroups and usually stop for a real lunch, if it is available on the route. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Status updates for weather cancellations will also be posted on the schedule.
There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Faster riders should feel free to push on after lunch. Just tell the leader first.
Leader: Joel Ager (510) 418-6462
Leader: Mark Bauer (510) 508-3546
Leader: Abigail Cotton (949) 929-3714 text
Leader: Anne Schonfield (510) 851-4749 text
Meet at 5:20 pm for a 5:30 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:
Leader: Rick Patterson (510) 978-1786 text
Leader: Mary Ann Jawili (661) 343-5737 text
Leader: Richard Zapien (415) 260-2334 text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART
Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.
The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.
We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!
*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.
Leader: Mike Wood (708) 539-9663 text
Leader: Drew U (510) 290-0615 text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
GPC Route: CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location: Canyon Club Brewery
Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.
Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails
CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB
mobile text
GPC Route:
Heather Farm, Morgan Territory, Diablo Junction
Start Location:
Walnut Creek - Heather Farm
NWS forecast has gotten worse, and light rain is likely with windy conditions. Sorry to have to cancel this ride.
There is a small chance of showers so check back here for possible cancellation if the forecast changes!
Meet in the penultimate northern parking lot of Heather Farm in Walnut Creek (by the baseball fields) for this ride to Clayton, Morgan Territory, and Diablo Junction. Lunch will be at Draeger's Market in Blackhawk Plaza.
Note that Heather Farm is about a mile from Pleasant Hill BART, which is probably the preferred way to get there. If you want to make the ride easier you can skip the Diablo climb after lunch and work your way back on the Iron Horse Trail or using this nicer route. Navigation for those options is up to you.
There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. We'll start when everyone who arrives by the meeting time is ready. If you arrive after the meeting time you may have to chase. You can probably catch us at the park in Clayton, where we will have a brief stop.
Leader: Mark Bauer
Leader: Abigail Cotton
mobile text
Leader: Anne Schonfield
mobile text
Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:
mobile text
Leader: Mary Ann Jawili
mobile text
Leader: Richard Zapien
mobile text
Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.
The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.
We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!
*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.
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Leader: Drew U
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GPC Route:
CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location:
Canyon Club Brewery
Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.
Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails
CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
We will ride from North Berkeley to Nicasio in the clockwise direction (White's Hill Westbound, Lucas Valley Road Eastbound). I will keep an touring, endurance pace. Stops will be at 22 miles at Fairfax (10:30am), 32 miles at Nicasio (11:45am), 48 miles taco lunch stop at Los Palillos in San Rafael (1:30pm), then back to the East Bay.
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GPC Route:
Solvang Five Canyons
Start Location:
Solvang - Royal Copenhagen Inn
See nearly all that Solvang has to offer in one big loop. See Longhorns, Llamas, Buffalo and Magpies! This route has lots of slightly downhill stretches, but the uphills are not slight! Cat Canyon Road is incredibly rough! We will have lunch in Los Alamos, before tackling the horribly rough Drum Canyon Road, then taking relatively smooth roads back to the start.
Current membership in GPC is expected. A cheerful adventurous attitude is encouraged. The route is listed above. Load it to your navigation device or print your own cue sheet. There will not be a paper handout. Please pre-register if you would like the leader to keep some track of you; there will not be a paper sign in sheet at the ride start. Two full water bottles and some nutrition make good sense. The first 40 miles does not have easy to get water. The standards listed in the Rider Guidelines on our website always apply.
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Leader: Janet Noble
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GPC Route:
Solvang Four Canyons CW with Alamo Pintado return
Start Location:
Solvang - Royal Copenhagen Inn
This ride offers up the more dreary terrain first, then the quite noticeable Drum Canyon from the slightly steeper side, then a little taste of Hwy 101, or the absolutely roughest "unmaintained road I have ever ridden, Then things become and stay bucolic. We will have lunch at Panino, Los Olivos before coasting home to the Royal Copenhagen.
A cheerful adventurous attitude is encouraged. Strong navigation skills or riding with a buddy who knows the route can be very helpful. Print your own cue sheet if needed. Please sign in online if you would like the leader to keep some track of you; there may not be a paper sign in sheet at the ride start. Two full water bottles and some nutrition make good sense. The standards listed in the Rider Guidelines on our website always apply.
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Leader: Valjean Clark
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GPC Route:
East Bay Hills
Start Location:
Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
From Orinda BART ride north on Camino Pablo, climb Wildcat Canyon, Grizzly Peak Blvd, Skyline Blvd, descend Redwood Road, then return via Pinehurst, Canyon, Moraga Way. Members and nonmembers can all pre-register using the link above to save us time at the start. For more details see our Century Prep Series webpage.
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
The second installment of the GPC century gravel training ride is a no drop ride covering some of the top part of this year’s 100k ride. Starting from North Berkeley Bart we’ll head up Spruce and ride a loopy figure eight through Wildcat and Tilden Park. Featuring a hitlist of East Bay mixed riding: Wildcat Creek, Nimitz Way, Conlon Trail, Upper Lower Big Springs trail and the mighty Sea View. Known or unknown, it’s going to be a good one! Bring water and snacks!
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GPC Route:
Just Jalama Beach
Start Location:
Jalama Road pullout
A remote road to the Coast. By remote I mean a full sized mountain lion slowly crossed the road right in front of Brian on a recent trip.
This is a beautiful route with just one hill, each way. Lunch is at Jalama Beach where you can get a famous Jalama Beach Burger. Or you can get something healthier and make it back. The crux of this route is learning to say Halama, not Jalama.
Current membership in GPC is expected. A cheerful adventurous attitude is encouraged. The route is listed above. Load it to your navigation device or print your own cue sheet. There will not be a paper handout. Please pre-register if you would like the leader to keep some track of you; there will not be a paper sign in sheet at the ride start. Two full water bottles and some nutrition make good sense. The standards listed in the Rider Guidelines on our website always apply.
Water is available at the campgrounds at Jalama Beach.
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GPC Route:
3/4 Jalama
Start Location:
Jalama Road pullout
Join us for this classic route to Jalama Beach. This 53 mile version requires a car shuttle, which we arrange at Happy Hour the night before. We drive out to the start on Jalama Road, then ride to the beach. After lunch we ride all the way back to Solvang. There are several other options which can be discussed at Happy Hour. A full out-and-back from Solvang would be about 77 miles. The shortest version (see listing for Just Jalama) is an out and back to Jalama Beach from Highway 1, and it still has plenty of climbing.
Current membership in GPC is expected. A cheerful adventurous attitude is encouraged. The route is listed above. Load it to your navigation device or print your own cue sheet. There will not be a paper handout. Please pre-register if you would like the leader to keep some track of you; there will not be a paper sign in sheet at the ride start. Two full water bottles and some nutrition make good sense. There will not be the extra water stop this year. The standards listed in the Rider Guidelines on our website always apply.
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith
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Leader: Xiao Hui Tai
Start Location:
Emeryville - Opposite IKEA
Join us for the winter edition of Treasure Island lap, starting at the Bay Bridge base of the Alex Zuckermann bike path. This ride features shorter regroups, a faster T-pace, and sparkling city skylines. Expect one short, steep descent and a challenging half-mile climb off the island (7-10% grade). Ride ends with optional food and drinks at Bay Street or Wondrous Brewing Company. Bring lights and warm layers.
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GPC Route:
Drum Canyon, Harris Grade from Los Alamos
Start Location:
Los Alamos Flagpole
If you can't quite get excited about Mt Figueroa, I have a more pleasant route to offer. This route starts in Los Alamos, right near Plenty on Bell where we will have lunch after the ride. We will climb Drum Canyon first. Drum Canyon is one of the roughest roads that I know of, so enjoy it, particularly the downhill. If anything is loose on your bike, you will find out! After beautiful Drum Canyon (the last 5 miles are beautiful), you take a right on Purisima Road (also known as Highway 246), for 10 miles (traffic, good scenery, but good shoulder), then Harris Grade (easier and smoother than Drum). Next, we take a right on Highway 135 to finish 9 miles later in Los Alamos to have a very nice lunch at Plenty on Bell. I know that this route is half highways, but they are secondary roads with good bike lanes and good scenery. Cheerful attitudes, good navigation skills, and helmets are all required.
GPC Route:
Mt. Figueroa Adventure Loop
Start Location:
Solvang - Royal Copenhagen Inn
This is the big one, Mt Diablo on steroids, maybe similar to Mt Ventoux, except with much steeper pitches! But this is your lucky day, it's not so steep from the East Side, just far more rustic. Be ready for a mile of dirt, some slippery stream crossings, lots of broken rock on the road, and continuous steep grades. Once you reach the summit, you then descend down the Westside, pass the Neverland Ranch, and have lunch at Panino in Los Olivos. Then you can take Ballard Canyon or flatter roads back to Solvang.
A cheerful adventurous attitude is encouraged. Strong navigation skills or riding with a buddy who knows the route can be very helpful. Print your own cue sheet if needed. Please sign in online if you would like the leader to keep some track of you; there may not be a paper sign in sheet at the ride start. Two full water bottles and some nutrition makes good sense. The standards listed in the Rider Guidelines on our website always apply.
Bring extra water and food on this ride!
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Leader: Chris Witt
Meet at Santa Ynez Park. Parking is at the end of Numancia Street in the town of Santa Ynez.
This is the RideWithGPS route:
The route is an out and back, so you can make it as hard or easy as you want. The first 12 miles of the route is gently rolling with gradual climbing through Happy Canyon, passing through beautiful vineyards and pastures with Valley Oaks. We turn onto Figueroa Mountain Road at mile ~12 and start more serious climbing with interesting changes in the terrain and plant communities (you can imagine what the Figueroa Mountain adventurers are experiencing).
Santa Ynez Park is about 4 miles from the Royal Copenhagen. You can ride to the ride start if you want to add miles at the beginning.
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner
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Leader: Max Walker
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Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
GPC Tuesday is a Brisk paced loop through the Berkeley / Oakland Hills starting at the Reservoir @ Spruce / Grizzly Blvd. Ride is characterized as fast pace lines with close quarters pack riding skills required. The ride has approximately 6 re-groups along the route. (Slower riders do have limited time to arrive at re-group points, however, as wait times are limited to 4-5 minutes.) Route as follows: Grizzly Peak to Skyline pausing at Sibley (riders can join at approximately 6:05 here at top of Tunnel Rd), Skyline to Redwood Rd, turning left on Pinehurst Rd back to Skyline, returning to ride start or peeling off to return home individually. No E-Bikes.
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
Join us for a friendly TM paced paved ride. This is an out and back to Chabot Space and Science Center. We'll head out along Grizzly Peak Blvd or Wildcat and up South Park. Then, take Skyline to the Science Center driveway. Brief regroups are tentatively at the top of South Park, Sibley Staging area and Chabot Science Center (same regroups on the way back). Please carry enough food and water for the entire ride. Preregistration is encouraged. No flashing lights please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-bikes are welcome on this ride.
The pace is TM (16mph solo effort on flats, up to 3w/kg climbing)
GPC Route:
Pozo Loop
Start Location:
Santa Margarita Community Park
Note the later start time since we will be driving to get to the start. Accessed on our travel day between Solvang and Paso Robles, Pozo Loop offers up stunning scenery! There is good parking at the Community Park. Bring two full water bottles, as the water at the Ranger Station still says non potable. We will watch the temperatures. We generally eat at "The Porch" restaurant in town after the ride.
A cheerful adventurous attitude is encouraged. Strong navigation skills or riding with a buddy who knows the route can be very helpful. Please sign in online if you would like the leader to keep some track of you; there will not be a paper sign in sheet at the ride start. Two full water bottles and some nutrition makes good sense.
Miles and smiles, hills and thrills, lunches and lattes. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Meet at 10:00 am (usually) for this ride. Rain cancels. You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information.
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Start Location:
El Cerrito Plaza BART
The classic route RWGPS, but with the start moved to El Cerrito Plaza. Bring warm layers and bright lights to see by. The majority of the dirt sections are up hill or flat, but expect some short bumpy descents in the dark. I'm hoping mud shouldn't be too bad with over a week to dry out, but I will make changes in case of rain. 35mm+ tires recommended.
Leader: S C
GPC Route:
Parkfield Earthquake Ride
Start Location:
Mission San Miguel Arcángel
This ride starts in San Miguel. Please park across the street from the Mission. This is an out and back to the North American Plate. Just across the fault is the rustic town of Parkfield that serves up a great lunch. There is only one hill on this ride and you hit it both ways. Rain may cancel.
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This weekly ride often tours through West Marin, but sometimes travels to Napa, Sonoma, or Livermore, depending on the season. We have frequent regroups and usually stop for a real lunch, if it is available on the route. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Status updates for weather cancellations will also be posted on the schedule.
There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Faster riders should feel free to push on after lunch. Just tell the leader first.
Leader: Mark Bauer
Leader: Abigail Cotton
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Leader: Anne Schonfield
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:
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Leader: Mary Ann Jawili
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Leader: Richard Zapien
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.
The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.
We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!
*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.
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Leader: Drew U
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GPC Route:
CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location:
Canyon Club Brewery
Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.
Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails
CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB
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Leader: Janet Noble
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GPC Route:
Peachy Canyon Loop
Start Location:
Adelaide Inn, Paso Robles
Meet for an early start with a prompt departure so that if you hurry, you could check out by 11 AM. People really will leave at 8 AM, and it will be cold! We will ride a beautiful loop around the wine country of Paso Robles. I am leading the shorter version, but if you have time, you can extend the standard loop with an additional loop out to Cypress Mountain for a 40 mile ride. Peachy Canyon has one of the nicest, curviest downhills anywhere, and it seems like it never stops, until it makes you climb again and then have even more fun! If you plan on joining us, please let us know in advance, you should attend the happy hour / route planning meeting the night before, or check in with us, so that you are aware of any changes to the route, start time or start location. This is the day that many people will return home, so there often are changes. Bomb cyclones or atmospheric rivers may cancel. Helmets, cheerful attitude, etc.
North Berkeley BART
Join our cafe ride over the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge for croissant and hot cocoa at Marin Country Mart. New riders and beginners are welcome! This is a NO-DROP ride with plenty of stops.
Most of the route is on dedicated bike path. Watch out for train tracks in Richmond. We are also riding over the new Gilman bike and pedestrian bridge.
Updated route:
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Leader: James Scott
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Start Location:
Walnut Creek BART
Come join us to celebrate Jim's milestone 80th birthday - we'll do a moderate loop starting at Walnut Creek BART, and end with a pizza party at Slice House in Walnut Creek (1.5 miles from the finish back to Walnut Creek BART).
Slice House has a large, covered outdoor patio with plenty of space for lots of revelers and their bikes!
All are welcome, and we can't wait to see you there!
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Leader: Corwin Zechar
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GPC Route:
Three Small Walls
Start Location:
El Cerrito Del Norte BART
From El Cerrito Del Norte BART ride to Pinole, Crockett, then the "walls" McEwen, Pig Farm, and Hillcrest. Members and nonmembers can all pre-register using the link above to save us time at the start. For more details see our Century Prep Series webpage.
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith
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Leader: Xiao Hui Tai
Start Location:
Emeryville - Opposite IKEA
Join us for the winter edition of Treasure Island lap, starting at the Bay Bridge base of the Alex Zuckermann bike path. This ride features shorter regroups, a faster T-pace, and sparkling city skylines. Expect one short, steep descent and a challenging half-mile climb off the island (7-10% grade). Ride ends with optional food and drinks at Bay Street or Wondrous Brewing Company. Bring lights and warm layers.
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner
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Leader: Max Walker
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Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
GPC Tuesday is a Brisk paced loop through the Berkeley / Oakland Hills starting at the Reservoir @ Spruce / Grizzly Blvd. Ride is characterized as fast pace lines with close quarters pack riding skills required. The ride has approximately 6 re-groups along the route. (Slower riders do have limited time to arrive at re-group points, however, as wait times are limited to 4-5 minutes.) Route as follows: Grizzly Peak to Skyline pausing at Sibley (riders can join at approximately 6:05 here at top of Tunnel Rd), Skyline to Redwood Rd, turning left on Pinehurst Rd back to Skyline, returning to ride start or peeling off to return home individually. No E-Bikes.
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
Join us for a friendly TM paced paved ride. This is an out and back to Chabot Space and Science Center. We'll head out along Grizzly Peak Blvd or Wildcat and up South Park. Then, take Skyline to the Science Center driveway. Brief regroups are tentatively at the top of South Park, Sibley Staging area and Chabot Science Center (same regroups on the way back). Please carry enough food and water for the entire ride. Preregistration is encouraged. No flashing lights please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-bikes are welcome on this ride.
The pace is TM (16mph solo effort on flats, up to 3w/kg climbing)
Miles and smiles, hills and thrills, lunches and lattes. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Meet at 10:00 am (usually) for this ride. Rain cancels. You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information.
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Start Location:
El Cerrito Plaza BART
The classic route RWGPS, but with the start moved to El Cerrito Plaza. Bring warm layers and bright lights to see by. The majority of the dirt sections are up hill or flat, but expect some short bumpy descents in the dark. I'm hoping mud shouldn't be too bad with over a week to dry out, but I will make changes in case of rain. 35mm+ tires recommended.
Join the club's virtual monthly business meeting at 7:00 pm. Optional social time from 6:45 pm to 7:00 pm. Check your email for an announcement with the agenda and details of how to join the meeting.
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This weekly ride often tours through West Marin, but sometimes travels to Napa, Sonoma, or Livermore, depending on the season. We have frequent regroups and usually stop for a real lunch, if it is available on the route. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Status updates for weather cancellations will also be posted on the schedule.
There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Faster riders should feel free to push on after lunch. Just tell the leader first.
Leader: Mark Bauer
Leader: Abigail Cotton
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Leader: Anne Schonfield
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:
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Leader: Mary Ann Jawili
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Leader: Richard Zapien
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.
The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.
We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!
*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.
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Leader: Drew U
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GPC Route:
CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location:
Canyon Club Brewery
Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.
Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails
CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB
Leader: Ken Karda
Start Location:
Brickyard Cove, Berkeley
We will ride to the Emeryville marina, then North on the Bay Trail for a clockwise loop to the Red Oak Victory Ship, Miller-Knox Park, bypass the Ferry Point Tunnel, & lunch @ Little Louie's. There will be an option to ride thru the tunnel.
ASSR - LT - Classic Larghetto
Start Location:
Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for an LT-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website. This is a NO DROP ride through the famous Three Bears.
ASSR - T - Dublin / Redwood Rd
Start Location:
Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for a T-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.
Now that Redwood Road is open, let's do this route through Dublin and Redwood Road. This is a NO DROP ride. Although we plan a lunch stop at Golf Course, the wait for the food from that restaurant could take too long. It is advised to grab a sandwich or bagel from the San Ramon stop and carry it with you to Golf Course.
ASSR - TM (short) - Golf Course
Start Location:
Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for a TM-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.
ASSR - TM (long) - Classic Allegretto through Dublin
Start Location:
Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for a TM-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.
Now that Redwood Road is open, let's ride the Classic Allegretto route, now routing through Dublin. Lunch stop will be at San Ramon.
ASSR - M - Morgan Territory (finish via Miner Rd)
Start Location:
Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for an M-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.
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Leader: Andrew Glickman
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Leader: July Tenenbaum
GPC Route:
Morgan Territory from Pleasant Hill BART w/ Round Hill return
Start Location:
Pleasant Hill BART
Canal Trail, Turtle Creek Park to Clayton. Morgan Territory, Return via Blackhawk and Round Hill. This route isn't part of the century, but Morgan Territory is an excellent training climb. Members and nonmembers can all pre-register using the link above to save us time at the start. For more details see our Century Prep Series webpage.
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith
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Leader: Xiao Hui Tai
Start Location:
Emeryville - Opposite IKEA
Join us for the winter edition of Treasure Island lap, starting at the Bay Bridge base of the Alex Zuckermann bike path. This ride features shorter regroups, a faster T-pace, and sparkling city skylines. Expect one short, steep descent and a challenging half-mile climb off the island (7-10% grade). Ride ends with optional food and drinks at Bay Street or Wondrous Brewing Company. Bring lights and warm layers.
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner
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Leader: Max Walker
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Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
GPC Tuesday is a Brisk paced loop through the Berkeley / Oakland Hills starting at the Reservoir @ Spruce / Grizzly Blvd. Ride is characterized as fast pace lines with close quarters pack riding skills required. The ride has approximately 6 re-groups along the route. (Slower riders do have limited time to arrive at re-group points, however, as wait times are limited to 4-5 minutes.) Route as follows: Grizzly Peak to Skyline pausing at Sibley (riders can join at approximately 6:05 here at top of Tunnel Rd), Skyline to Redwood Rd, turning left on Pinehurst Rd back to Skyline, returning to ride start or peeling off to return home individually. No E-Bikes.
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.
Miles and smiles, hills and thrills, lunches and lattes. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Meet at 10:00 am (usually) for this ride. Rain cancels. You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information.
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Start Location:
El Cerrito Plaza BART
The classic route RWGPS, but with the start moved to El Cerrito Plaza. Bring warm layers and bright lights to see by. The majority of the dirt sections are up hill or flat, but expect some short bumpy descents in the dark. I'm hoping mud shouldn't be too bad with over a week to dry out, but I will make changes in case of rain. 35mm+ tires recommended.
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This weekly ride often tours through West Marin, but sometimes travels to Napa, Sonoma, or Livermore, depending on the season. We have frequent regroups and usually stop for a real lunch, if it is available on the route. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Status updates for weather cancellations will also be posted on the schedule.
There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Faster riders should feel free to push on after lunch. Just tell the leader first.
Leader: Mark Bauer
Leader: Abigail Cotton
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Leader: Anne Schonfield
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:
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Leader: Mary Ann Jawili
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Leader: Richard Zapien
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.
The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.
We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!
*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.
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Leader: Drew U
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GPC Route:
CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location:
Canyon Club Brewery
Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.
Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails
CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB
GPC Route:
Bears Loop
Start Location:
Orinda - San Pablo Dam Rd and Bear Creek Rd
Individual Time Trial
Come test your fitness level and get in a great workout by riding the Bears Loop as a time trial. In the ITT, each person rides at his/her own pace (no drafting) to see how fast the Bears Loop can be completed. It’s a great format for pushing yourself to see how fast you can ride the loop.
Pace Group Ride
Ride the Bears Loop at your normal pace to use it to determine your GPC pace ( Or use this ride to practice your pace for an upcoming event.
The first rider is off at 10:01 and a rider a minute after that. For the GPC Pace ride, a pace group can start together, or each rider can rider on their own as the ITT riders do. (Regardless of the format, each rider is timed individually.)
Rider finishing times are usually shared in the ride report email to the club. While it is nice to see what times folks ride, reporting of rider times is optional. Also, the ITT is open to both members and non-members; no need to join as in the past.
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GPC Route:
New Century South Loop
Start Location:
Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
The ride will cover the new (since 2023) century South loop - new because Redwood Road is not open. Route goes from Orinda to South Pinehurst, up to Skyline and South to Grass Valley. After the Grass Valley descent, we ride north parallel to 580, eventually getting to the foot of Joaquin Miller. From there the familiar BBR route will take us up back to Redwood Road and back over South Pinehurst and then back to Orinda. Members and nonmembers can all pre-register using the link above to save us time at the start. For more details see our Century Prep Series webpage.
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith
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Leader: Xiao Hui Tai
Start Location:
Emeryville - Opposite IKEA
Join us for the winter edition of Treasure Island lap, starting at the Bay Bridge base of the Alex Zuckermann bike path. This ride features shorter regroups, a faster T-pace, and sparkling city skylines. Expect one short, steep descent and a challenging half-mile climb off the island (7-10% grade). Ride ends with optional food and drinks at Bay Street or Wondrous Brewing Company. Bring lights and warm layers.
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner
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Leader: Max Walker
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Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
GPC Tuesday is a Brisk paced loop through the Berkeley / Oakland Hills starting at the Reservoir @ Spruce / Grizzly Blvd. Ride is characterized as fast pace lines with close quarters pack riding skills required. The ride has approximately 6 re-groups along the route. (Slower riders do have limited time to arrive at re-group points, however, as wait times are limited to 4-5 minutes.) Route as follows: Grizzly Peak to Skyline pausing at Sibley (riders can join at approximately 6:05 here at top of Tunnel Rd), Skyline to Redwood Rd, turning left on Pinehurst Rd back to Skyline, returning to ride start or peeling off to return home individually. No E-Bikes.
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.
Miles and smiles, hills and thrills, lunches and lattes. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Meet at 10:00 am (usually) for this ride. Rain cancels. You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information.
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Start Location:
El Cerrito Plaza BART
The classic route RWGPS, but with the start moved to El Cerrito Plaza. Bring warm layers and bright lights to see by. The majority of the dirt sections are up hill or flat, but expect some short bumpy descents in the dark. I'm hoping mud shouldn't be too bad with over a week to dry out, but I will make changes in case of rain. 35mm+ tires recommended.
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This weekly ride often tours through West Marin, but sometimes travels to Napa, Sonoma, or Livermore, depending on the season. We have frequent regroups and usually stop for a real lunch, if it is available on the route. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Status updates for weather cancellations will also be posted on the schedule.
There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Faster riders should feel free to push on after lunch. Just tell the leader first.
Leader: Mark Bauer
Leader: Abigail Cotton
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Leader: Anne Schonfield
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:
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Leader: Mary Ann Jawili
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Leader: Richard Zapien
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.
The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.
We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!
*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.
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Leader: Drew U
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GPC Route:
CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location:
Canyon Club Brewery
Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.
Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails
CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB
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GPC Route:
Century North Loop
Start Location:
Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot
The north loop of the century, from Orinda BART and using the Bay Trail through Pinole and Rodeo. Members and nonmembers can all pre-register using the link above to save us time at the start. For more details see our Century Prep Series webpage.
Feel free to bring a sandwich or light lunch to enjoy along the way, and to provide energy for climbing!
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith
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Leader: Xiao Hui Tai
Start Location:
Emeryville - Opposite IKEA
Join us for the winter edition of Treasure Island lap, starting at the Bay Bridge base of the Alex Zuckermann bike path. This ride features shorter regroups, a faster T-pace, and sparkling city skylines. Expect one short, steep descent and a challenging half-mile climb off the island (7-10% grade). Ride ends with optional food and drinks at Bay Street or Wondrous Brewing Company. Bring lights and warm layers.
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner
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Leader: Max Walker
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Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
GPC Tuesday is a Brisk paced loop through the Berkeley / Oakland Hills starting at the Reservoir @ Spruce / Grizzly Blvd. Ride is characterized as fast pace lines with close quarters pack riding skills required. The ride has approximately 6 re-groups along the route. (Slower riders do have limited time to arrive at re-group points, however, as wait times are limited to 4-5 minutes.) Route as follows: Grizzly Peak to Skyline pausing at Sibley (riders can join at approximately 6:05 here at top of Tunnel Rd), Skyline to Redwood Rd, turning left on Pinehurst Rd back to Skyline, returning to ride start or peeling off to return home individually. No E-Bikes.
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.
Miles and smiles, hills and thrills, lunches and lattes. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Meet at 10:00 am (usually) for this ride. Rain cancels. You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information.
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Start Location:
El Cerrito Plaza BART
The classic route RWGPS, but with the start moved to El Cerrito Plaza. Bring warm layers and bright lights to see by. The majority of the dirt sections are up hill or flat, but expect some short bumpy descents in the dark. I'm hoping mud shouldn't be too bad with over a week to dry out, but I will make changes in case of rain. 35mm+ tires recommended.
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This weekly ride often tours through West Marin, but sometimes travels to Napa, Sonoma, or Livermore, depending on the season. We have frequent regroups and usually stop for a real lunch, if it is available on the route. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Status updates for weather cancellations will also be posted on the schedule.
There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Faster riders should feel free to push on after lunch. Just tell the leader first.
Leader: Mark Bauer
Leader: Abigail Cotton
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Leader: Anne Schonfield
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:
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Leader: Mary Ann Jawili
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Leader: Richard Zapien
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.
The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.
We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!
*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.
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Leader: Drew U
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GPC Route:
CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location:
Canyon Club Brewery
Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.
Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails
CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith
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Leader: Xiao Hui Tai
Start Location:
Emeryville - Opposite IKEA
Join us for the winter edition of Treasure Island lap, starting at the Bay Bridge base of the Alex Zuckermann bike path. This ride features shorter regroups, a faster T-pace, and sparkling city skylines. Expect one short, steep descent and a challenging half-mile climb off the island (7-10% grade). Ride ends with optional food and drinks at Bay Street or Wondrous Brewing Company. Bring lights and warm layers.
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner
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Leader: Max Walker
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Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
GPC Tuesday is a Brisk paced loop through the Berkeley / Oakland Hills starting at the Reservoir @ Spruce / Grizzly Blvd. Ride is characterized as fast pace lines with close quarters pack riding skills required. The ride has approximately 6 re-groups along the route. (Slower riders do have limited time to arrive at re-group points, however, as wait times are limited to 4-5 minutes.) Route as follows: Grizzly Peak to Skyline pausing at Sibley (riders can join at approximately 6:05 here at top of Tunnel Rd), Skyline to Redwood Rd, turning left on Pinehurst Rd back to Skyline, returning to ride start or peeling off to return home individually. No E-Bikes.
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza
This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.
Miles and smiles, hills and thrills, lunches and lattes. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Meet at 10:00 am (usually) for this ride. Rain cancels. You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information.
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This weekly ride often tours through West Marin, but sometimes travels to Napa, Sonoma, or Livermore, depending on the season. We have frequent regroups and usually stop for a real lunch, if it is available on the route. This listing will be updated when the route and leader have been determined, usually by Monday evening. Status updates for weather cancellations will also be posted on the schedule.
There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Faster riders should feel free to push on after lunch. Just tell the leader first.
Leader: Mark Bauer
Leader: Abigail Cotton
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Leader: Anne Schonfield
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:
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Leader: Mary Ann Jawili
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Leader: Richard Zapien
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART
Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.
The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.
We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!
*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.
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Leader: Drew U
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GPC Route:
CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location:
Canyon Club Brewery
Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.
Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails
CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB
Not finding the ride you are looking for? There is a simple solution for that. Any GPC member can lead a ride. See the Lead Rides section for all the information you need to get started. Our Ride Coordinator will be happy to help you choose a ride, create the listing, and prepare to lead.