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routeID: 327

Route Title China Camp & Paradise Loops
Start Location McNears Beach, Marin County
Mileage 45
Terrain Rating 2
Description This 45-mile route combines two popular loops close to home. Begin at McNear’s Beach in San Rafael where there are bathrooms and free parking. From here, we will begin a counterclockwise loop around China Camp State Park, cut through the city of San Rafael and make our way towards Paradise Drive. Lunch will be at mile 27 in Tiburon’s shoreline-park- with- a- view next to the Angel Island Ferry Terminal and Café Acri. After lunch we will complete the Paradise loop and head back to McNear’s Beach via Point San Pedro road. A special bonus for the contemplative and the loquacious is breathtaking outdoor seating at Andy’s Market near the end of our journey (mile 43). Consider stopping for a cool beverage and end-of-the-ride conversation with your Grizzly bike buddies.
Submitted by Melissa Jacobson
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