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Saint Mary's College

The start location is St Mary's College, 1928 St Mary's College Rd, Moraga. After you enter the campus look for attendants, who will direct you to the available parking.

Alternative Car-Free Start (not for 30 mi or Gravel routes)

For your convenience we also offer a car-free check-in station at the Island Picnic Area rest stop in Tilden Park. For the 75 mile and shorter road routes, this is the first rest stop, about 12 miles from St Mary's. For the 100 mile route, this is the second rest stop, about 45 miles from St Mary's. It works best for local residents who are already familiar with the popular cycling roads in the area. It is only for riders who bike there and have pre-registered for a Tilden Park start. Check-in at Island begins at 8:30 am, which is also when the rest stop opens. Island rest stop closes at 12:15 pm.

Island rest stop has absolutely no parking for riders' cars. All parking spaces in the area will be taken by our bike racks, support vehicles, and century workers' vehicles.

The route sheet that you receive when you check in at Island will be the same as given out at St Mary's, so remember you are starting from the rest stop and adjust the printed mileage accordingly.


It is possible to BART to the Grizzly Peak Century if you use the alternative car-free start and ride one of the road routes. Remember BART will be on Sunday schedule, so stations don't open very early. The first train to North Berkeley BART station (from the South) arrives at about 8:25 am. If you ride up Virginia Street and Spruce Street you will probably get to Island by about 9:15 am.

Note that the first train to Orinda or Lafayette BART (from the West) arrives too late to get to the regular start at St Mary's.

T-shirt art from the 2003 Century
by Nancy Thompson