San Ramon to Malibu in four days

Phil Morton
April 24-27, 2003

Every year some people from SBC (formerly Pacific Bell) take two days off work and add another two days of the weekend for a four day cycling trip. This year I was fortunate to be invited to join them.

The route was from San Ramon to Calaveras, San Jose, Morgan Hill, Watsonville, Monterey. And that was just the first day. The next day we rode the whole of Big Sur and ended up in Cayucas, near Morrow Bay. The following day we rode to San Luis Obispo, Lompoc, and ended up in Goleta. On the last day we took the Pacific Coast Highway through Santa Barbara, and on to Malibu. There we got a shuttle to Burbank Airport where we rented a car to take us back to San Ramon.

Here are some pictures I took.

Sterling Hada was the perfect gentleman and SAG driver. Here is his report.

Here is Rob Hawks description of his adventures on the 2002 trip.

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